giovedì 15 ottobre 2015

CodeRage X - Giovedì 15 Ottobre

Eccoci arrivati all'ultimo giorno della CodeRage X, ecco le sessioni di oggi che vi segnalo:

  1. 14:00, FastReport Deep Dive: Build Efficient Multi-Thread Reporting
  2. 16:00, Parallel Programming Deep Dive: Task Monitoring, Resource Locking, Thread Pool, Design Patterns and more!
  3. 17:00, Simplify MultiThreading with System.Threading for Mobile and Desktop Apps
  4. 18:00, TFrameStand Deep Dive: Build Visually Stunning and Consistent UI/UX with FMX Frames
  5. 20:00, Background Tasks and Inter-App Communication with Android Services and Intents
  6. 21:00, Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Arduino
  7. 22:00, Debug Tips and Tricks: Effective Multi-Device App Debugging Strategies for Win32, Win64, OS X, iOS and Android
  8. 23:00, NoSQL with MongoDB and FireDAC - Part 1 e 2
Come vedete oggi giornata piena! ;-)
Vi ricordo la mia sessione su TFrameStand (alle 18:00)!

A presto,


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